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Fallen off the New Year’s Bandwagon? Here’s How to Get Back on Track…

By November 10, 2015 December 7th, 2021 One Comment

Fallen off the New Year’s Bandwagon? Here’s How to Get Back on Track…

We’re only a week or so into February, but people are already letting their New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside.

The crowds of people that flock to the gym in January are starting to die down, healthy diets are going out the window, and most people haven’t even started on some of the things they wanted to achieve this year.

Setting goals and sticking to them isn’t easy. In fact, 73% of Americans give up on their resolutions before meeting their goals.

But I don’t want you to be another person who falls into that category. This can be the year that you accomplish everything you set out to do!

At SnackNation HQ, we have a weekly personal development session that we call a “Sensei Session.”

At one of our recent Sensei’s, I spoke with the team about goal setting. On of the most important things we talked about is the common mistakes people make when they set goals and how to overcome them.

We recorded this presentation so that we could share it with all of you.

First, Download This 5-4-3-2-1 Goals Worksheet (right-click or ctrl-click and select “Save Link As…”)

Next, Watch the Video! You’ll learn how to fill out the worksheet, and hopefully pick up a few more goal setting tips along the way.

[youtube id=”V1jQp3ArPlc” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

The worksheet is discussed in more detail at the 2:15 mark, and is followed by eight more tips on goal setting that I’ve learned over the years of trying (and failing) to set and achieve goals. Here is a cheatsheet on the tips that we discuss in the video:

  1. Start early
    • Set goals early and sit with them, for a week or two; when you come back to them, ask – are my goals compelling enough?
    • Goals must make you a little bit uncomfortable – discomfort leads to growth
  2. Don’t make too many resolutions
    • No more than 10 total for all areas of your life – career, family, health, spiritual, etc.
    • 5-7 goals is the sweet spot
  3. Goals must be specific & measurable
    • Must be obvious whether or not you’ve achieved them
    • Must be deadline to create a sense of urgency
    • i.e., “I want to make $10K more by the end of the year” is better than “I want to make more money”
  4. Write them down and make them visible
    • Out of sight = out of mind
    • print them out and put them on your desk or wall as daily reminder, or in Evernote
    • Review goals and affirmations every morning
  5. Write goals – don’t create ridiculous action plans that you’ll never be able to execute
    • Focus on January and come back to them each month
    • Measure progress weekly
  6. Remember that you’re human
    • Failure is part of the process

Leave me a comment below to let me know your biggest goal for this year. When you write a goal down where others can see, you’re more likely to hold yourself accountable to accomplish it.


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