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Employee WellnessSnackNation Office

The Ultimate Wellness Plan Template for Creating a Happier, Healthier Workforce

By May 4, 2023 December 17th, 2024

wellness plan template

What can a wellness plan template do for you?

We’re so glad you asked.

A thorough wellness plan template could help you:

  • Provide formal, sharable documentation that details your wellness plan
  • Pitch your wellness plan to company leadership
  • Clarify the details of your wellness plan
  • Create a brand-new wellness plan
  • Stay on track as you create a wellness plan

With wellness plans becoming more and more important in today’s rapidly changing workplace, many managers and team leads have become to build out entire corporate wellness programs to help support their teams.

These programs can include nutrition and wellness strategies, fitness and exercise challenges, workplace rewards, peer to peer recognition, employee goal setting, and so much more.

For a quick look into some of the services that provide customizable wellness programs, we selected a few top-rated wellness platforms for teams of all sizes:

YuMuuv 🧘🏻‍♀️ Start a team wellness challenge Visit YuMuuv
Motivosity ⭐️ Create meaningful relationships via peer to peer recognition Visit Motivosity
Deel 📊 Leverage data to develop wellness initiatives Visit Deel
Calm 💤 Manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life Visit Calm
Nectar ❤️ Claimable awards to incentivize health behaviors Visit Nectar
👉 Compare more HR-vetted and approved options here


And where is this fabulous wellness plan template, you ask? It’s below for your reading and planning pleasure. We hope the template helps you launch an initiative that engages employees into great wellness activities. And above all else… create a healthier workforce.

What is a Wellness Plan?

According to the health policy experts at, a wellness plan or wellness program is…

wellness plan

“A program intended to improve and promote health and fitness that’s usually offered through the workplace, although insurance plans can offer them directly to their enrollees. The program allows your employer or plan to offer you premium discounts, cash rewards, gym memberships, and other incentives to participate. Some examples of wellness programs include programs to help you stop smoking, diabetes management programs, weight loss programs, and preventative health screenings.”

Wellness plans outline specific steps necessary to get employees from one level of health to a higher level of health.

Looking to try one? Here are a few templates to promote wellness!

Wellbeing Survey 🧘🏻‍♀️ Measure different aspects of employee wellness across teams Wellbeing Survey
75 Hard Wellness Challenge 💪🏼 Start your journey to better health 75 Hard
Fitness Action Plan  🏃🏻‍♂️Get one step closer to achieving your health goals Fitness Plan
Look Mock Analyze  👨🏻‍💻Collaborate with your team to get the most out of each project L-M-A Template
Wellbeing Workshop
💆🏻‍♀️ Help your team find balance for improved overall well-being Workshop

Wellness Plan Benefits

A wellness plan gives employees the tools, guidelines, and resources they need to boost their health and well-being.

wellness plan benefits

Wellness plans offer a variety of evidence-based benefits. Here’s a sampling:

Wellness plans also offer big-picture benefits, namely clarity, and direction—the same key benefits of planning in general. Here’s a perfect summary of the benefits of planning from the masters of concision at CliffsNotes.

(Just swap out “managers” for “employees” as you read the summary.)

“The military saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” is very true. Without a plan, managers are set up to encounter errors, waste, and delays. A plan, on the other hand, helps a manager organize resources and activities efficiently and effectively to achieve goals.”

A wellness plan turns an abstract concept, like “boosting wellness” into a practical set of rules and action items, making it more achievable.


Top 5 Wellness Plan Templates To Download

1) Employee Well-Being Survey by

This wellness template is designed to help HR managers collect insights about employees’ wellness. It allows employers to create surveys tailored to their needs and obtain valuable information that supports data-driven decisions. The customizable survey enables businesses to promptly evaluate employee well-being and obtain impactful results.

Why this is a good wellness plan template: The use of multiple-choice and open-ended questions provides employers with a better understanding of their employees’ thoughts and feelings. The results are recorded automatically and can be viewed in real-time, allowing employers to easily identify areas that need more attention.

Start here: Employee Well-Being Survey by


2) Look Mock Analyze Template by Miro

The Look, Mock, Analyze approach provides endless possibilities to discover inspiration and create beautiful mockups with your team’s support. This user-friendly template makes it simple to create dynamic designs in no time flat. Plus, you’ll get valuable feedback from your teammates, allowing you to identify what went right or wrong with each venture.

Why this is a good wellness plan template: With this incredibly helpful template, you’ll be able to quickly pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses as well as track how carefully you used your resources and time.

Start here: Look Mock Analyze Template by Miro


3) Wellbeing Workshop by Miro

This workshop helps identify areas your team may be struggling with on their journey towards balance and provides ideas that can assist each one with creating a path back to wellness. 

Why this is a good wellness plan template: Throughout this creatively stimulating event, users will be provided with plenty of insights into the benefits of prioritizing self-care, and making sure everyone stays focused and productive; allowing teams to maximize their potential together.

Start here: Wellbeing Workshop by Miro


4) 75 Hard Wellness Challenge by ClickUp

This template provides all of the encouragement, information, and support needed for a complete 75-day fitness journey. It’s a great way for employers, coworkers, and colleagues to get fit together by challenging themselves to stay motivated and consistent with their health. 

Why this is a good wellness plan template: The 75 Hard Wellness Challenge is focused on building enduring habits that lead to overall well-being and offers tangible results like improved self-esteem, physical fitness, sleep quality, work performance, and more.

Start here: 75 Hard Wellness Challenge by ClickUp


5) Fitness Action Plan Template by ClickUp

The template is easy to use and helps break down long-term goals into manageable steps, making it easier for users to follow. It includes a timeline that tracks progress and allows employees to keep an eye on the specific goals and tasks related to their fitness journey.

Why this is a good wellness plan template: Whether your team members are looking to lose weight, strengthen their bodies, or just stay active and healthy, this intuitive template will help them reach their fitness goals faster and easier than before.

Start here: Fitness Action Plan Template by ClickUp


The Wellness Plan Template

Before we really dive into the nuts and bolts, let’s first review what the plan ultimately needs to accomplish.

pitching your wellness plan

  • It needs to convince leadership that your wellness ideas should be adopted.
  • It needs to be accessible, something you (and others in your company) can reasonably understand and follow. (This simple truth decides a plan’s ultimate success. There’s no wrong way to make a plan as long as the end result is realistic and actionable in your universe.)
  • It needs to help others clearly visualize your ideas. It needs to include enough facts, figures, details, and specificity that other people can grasp your ideas.

✅ Introduction

Use the introduction to explain why employee wellness is important to your company, especially to make sure leadership (and anyone else who might need to be convinced) knows how important and valuable employee wellness is to the company.

Fill this in to get started on your introduction. Feel free to copy and paste exactly or tweak however you like.


That mission simply wouldn’t be possible without healthy employees. We want our people to be the best they can be, and we designed this wellness plan to accomplish just that—to give our employees the tools, advice, and resources they need to pursue their own health and wellness journeys.

Employee wellness offers obvious qualitative benefits, but you might be surprised to learn it may offer quantitative benefits as well. For example, wellness programs could save companies up to $565 per employee in healthcare costs a year.


✅ Objectives

wellness plan objectives

Here’s how to establish solid objectives for your health plan.

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has Sample Wellness Plan that demonstrates well-designed objectives. Review the sample plan, and check out the key takeaways below.

    • Consider why you even decided to create a wellness plan. (This will help you determine your core objective.)
    • Define your core objective. (The DHHS example is “Reduce the percentage of employees using tobacco.”)
    • Give yourself a time frame to achieve the objective. (“Reduce the percentage of employees using tobacco by May of 2012.”)
    • Give your objective a measurable component so you’ll be able to tell whether or not you’ve achieved it in a few years or months. (“Reduce the percentage of employees using tobacco from 25% to 22% by May of 2012.”)
    • Figure out how you actually plan to measure the measurable component. The two main options for most organizations will be:
      • User self-reporting. (Surveying employees to ask about their behaviors)
      • Device tracking. (Tracking employee behaviors via FitBit, etc.)
    • Figure out how to work toward that core objective by determining actions that would help you achieve it. The DHHS calls these actions interventions to address the objective. The sample plan proposes using the following interventions to accomplish the goal of reducing employee tobacco use:

#1 – Begin to offer smoking cessation support groups to tobacco users interested in quitting.

#2 – Include information on the benefits of quitting smoking in the wellness newsletter

#3 – Provide “quit kits” on Kick Butts Day to employees who use tobacco or have a family member who uses tobacco

#4 – Provide coverage for tobacco cessation medications in the insurance plan

#5 – Set a date to implement and implement a tobacco-free campus policy


Plan Features

Use this section to outline and describe the specific items you want to offer as part of your plan. The plan features should be the actions and interventions you feel will best support your core objectives.

Here are some popular wellness plan features you might consider incorporating into your strategy. Most of these ideas came from our posts on wellness program ideas and on increasing employee well-being. Check out the posts for even more ideas.

food and nutrition wellness plan ideas

🥗 Food and Nutrition Ideas

  • Start hosting a healthy potluck every month
  • Provide water bottles that list ounces/cups to help employees meet hydration goals
  • Provide healthy snacks and get rid of office junk food
  • Host healthy cooking challenges and classes
  • Organize produce exchanges, farm market excursions, or produce box deliveries

🏃🏻‍♂️ Fitness Ideas

  • Bring fitness instructors on site
  • Build an in-office fitness center or offer discounted gym memberships
  • Team up for races
  • Start a running group
  • Offer fitness flex time, where people can come in late or leave early to make time to go to the gym

💡 Mental Health and Learning Ideas

  • Subsidize courses at local colleges
  • Give employees an hourly time budget to take online courses during work hours
  • Host meditation sessions
  • Promote mental health awareness and make sure everyone knows what services the health plan will cover
  • Host a gratitude challenge

weight loss wellness plan ideas

👩🏻‍⚕️ Interventional Ideas

  • Develop a weight-loss program
  • Offer smoking cessation resources and programs
  • Have professionals come in for a day of drop-in preventative screenings. (They might do vision scans, blood-pressure readings, dental checks, hearing checks, and other basics.)

🤝 Fun and Bonding Ideas

  • Organize volunteer days
  • Host team breakfasts, lunches, or happy hours
  • Do more team building
  • Host annual summits
  • Organize group participation in a local sports league
  • Have team-building fitness challenges with YuMuuv

🌳 Environmental Wellness Ideas

  • Offer laptops and work outside “passes”
  • Plan group hikes
  • Reorganize office space to allow more sunlight
  • Bring in live plants
  • Add air filters around the office
  • Bring in light therapy lamps and light bulbs
  • Offer recycling and composting bins
  • Play soothing music over the intercom/speaker system


✅  Employee Eligibility

Use this section to detail exactly who may access the wellness plan resources and features you’re offering.

Use this text to get started on your eligibility verbiage.

Full-time employees who have been with [COMPANY NAME] for one year or more may access all wellness offerings. New employees, contractors, freelancers, and other non-traditional employees may contact [contact name] to discuss eligibility for all or part of the wellness program.


✅  Program Costs

wellness plan costs

Use this section to outline all costs—including costs to the company and costs to employees—of participation in the wellness plan.

Here’s an example:

Wellness program feature: Subsidized gym membership

  • Cost to employer: $15 a month
  • Cost to employee: $10 a month

Max cost to employer

  • $15 [cost to employer] x 12 [months in a year] x 145 [all employees] = $26,100
  • Summary: Total cost to employer per year of program duration will not exceed $26,100


✅  Timeline

Use this section to note key benchmarks of the wellness plan in a format that makes sense to you. Create a timeline for each objective’s key actions/interventions.

Here’s an example:

Intervention development – 3 months  

  • Wellness feature: Subsidized gym memberships
  • Development summary: Researching, visiting, and negotiating with local gyms

Target completion: June 1

Intervention roll-out – 1 month

  • Wellness feature: Subsidized gym memberships
  • Roll-out summary: Promoting the feature, managing employee sign-ups, and distributing passes

Target completion: July 1

Ongoing maintenance and success tracking – 1 year, possibly longer if we continue after 1-year pilot

  • Wellness feature: Subsidized gym memberships
  • Maintenance summary: Tracking success, continuing negotiations for best-possible details

Target completion: July 1 – next year


✅  Ongoing Maintenance

Use this section to outline what ongoing maintenance would be required for both your overall plan and your individual plan features.

Here’s an example:

Overall plan maintenance:

  • Evaluating success
    • Quarterly surveys
    • Quarterly report and analysis of overall plan participation and success data
  • Ongoing communication to increase participation
  • Tweaking and improving the plan based on feedback and data

Note: You will also need to do feature-specific maintenance. Simply follow the steps for overall maintenance while focusing on one specific feature.

✅  Contact Info

List the names, work titles, email addresses, and phone numbers of everyone who helped create the plan or will work on it moving forward.


Wellness Plan Resources

Here’s an assortment of resources to help you as you create and maintain your wellness plan.

Wellness Plan Examples:

We hope you’re ready to get started on your own wellness plan! Wishing you and your employees a happy, healthy journey!

People Also Ask These Questions About Wellness Plan Templates

Q:  How do I know if a wellness plan template is effective?

  • A: A successful wellness plan template should have measurable objectives and strategies that are tailored to each individual or team. Additionally, it should also be continuously monitored and revised as needed in order to ensure success. Keep track of results with surveys or other metrics available to determine whether the template is working as intended. If needed, make any necessary alterations to ensure the template is meeting its goals and objectives. 

Q: What if I need help creating my wellness plan template?

  • A: If you are struggling to create your own wellness plan template, there are many online resources available that can provide guidance and support.

Q: Are there any other tips for using a wellness plan template?

  • A: Yes! When creating your template, it is important to ensure that the goals you want to achieve are realistic and achievable. Ensure that all activities and resources are customized to meet the needs of the individual or team for better chances of achieving success. Finally, stay on top of progress with regular surveys and metrics in order to ensure that the template is meeting its goals. With these tips, teams can create an effective wellness plan that meets their organization’s needs.

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