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Episode 120 | How to Supercharge Your Business with Happiness, with Delivering Happiness CEO Jenn Lim

By September 6th, 2019

Episode 120 | How to Supercharge Your Business with Happiness

with Delivering Happiness CEO Jenn Lim

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Is happiness something good leaders should care about? 

Ask most business leaders fifteen years ago, and you’d be hard pressed to find one who thought that happiness was a primary concern.

Work should be about results, right? Happiness is incidental at best. 

Or so we all thought.

Then came Zappos’ and their visionary CEO Tony Hsieh, who realized that delivering happiness was a unifying theme throughout the business. Not only did delivering happiness sum up the ideal experience for his customer, but making happiness a primary concern internally actually drove results.

There’s no one in the world who understands the power of Happiness better than this week’s guest, Jenn Lim.

Jenn is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, a consulting firm she founded with Hsieh to inspire science-based happiness, passion and purpose at work, home and everyday life.

Jenn was a foundational team member at Zappos, and in 2010 she led the launch of Tony’s book Delivering Happiness, which has sold over 600,000 copies worldwide.

Jenn refers to Delivering Happiness as a book that became a company that became a global movement.

This episode is all about how to supercharge your team with happiness. Jenn takes us through the Delivering Happiness framework, describes the life-changing events that led her to focus on positive psychology and the science of happiness, and shares her inspiring vision for the future of work.


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