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Episode 102 | How dosist is Becoming the Starbucks of Cannabis, with dosist CEO Gunner Winston

By May 13, 2019 February 27th, 2021

Episode 102 | How dosist is Becoming the Starbucks of Cannabis,

with dosist CEO Gunner Winston

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“What we’re going after is almost once in a generation.”

Dosist CEO Gunner Winston isn’t shy about his brand’s big ambitions.

The company has long been known for their product innovations. In fact, their dose pens, which deliver a reliably consistent dose of THC, even landed them on TIME magazine’s 25 best inventions of 2016 list.

But what really drives dosist is a strong brand identity, one that elevates benefits over features, taps into customer aspirations, and has more in common with Nike, Apple, and Starbucks than your typical cannabis company.

Why is this the approach? That’s what we cover in this week’s Brand Builder.


  • The greatest brands transcend their categories. That’s the sort of brand innovation that dosist aspires to, and Gunner lays out the strategy to make dosist one of those transcendent brands.
  • From Hmbldt to dosist. Pay special attention to what Gunner says about why the company rebranded from hmbldt to dosist, as well as their new brand positioning and the messages they lead with.
  • Earn it before you start expanding. Gunner explains why brands have to lay out a vision, and then deliver on the promise before they can start expanding their offering.


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Brand Builder is a co-production of SnackNation and ForceBrands.

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