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Brand Builder

Episode 95 | How SANS Mealbar is Overcoming the Single Biggest Challenge New Brands Face

By March 25, 2019 March 27th, 2019

Episode 95 | How SANS Mealbar is Overcoming the Single Biggest Challenge New Brands Face,

with SANS Co-Founder & CEO Nathan Gordon

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When you look at the numbers, the meal replacement category represents a gigantic opportunity. We’re talking about a $4 billion market in the U.S., and $12 billion globally. What’s more, the category lacks product leadership. It’s as if the market is just waiting for an upstart brand to seize the mantle – and the marketshare.
This week’s Brand Builder guest is on a mission to be that brand. We’re talking to Nathan Gordon, the CEO and C0-Founder of SANS Mealbar, and his goal is to make SANS the undisputed product leader of this huge category.

Right now, SANS’ primary challenge is awareness. We talk a lot about how they’re overcoming it and how that informs their overall strategy. Plus, we learn about the personal connection that inspired SANS ambitious social mission.

Top Takeaways:

  • Becoming a product leader. What this means and what SANS is doing to achieve it.
  • Power of trial and sampling. When you believe in your product, there’s nothing better to invest in than putting your product in front of potential customers.
  • Differentiating in a saturated D2C landscape. Nathan lays out strategies for standing out in a sea of D2C noise.


Brand Builder is a co-production of SnackNation and ForceBrands.

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