If you read any article on improving health and wellness at your office, you will undoubtably find a suggestion to offer your team healthy meal or snacks options. But did you also know that investing in your team’s health can also affect your company’s bottom-line?
We’ve compiled the top 7 ways that healthy snacks will improve your team’s health and also save your company money, and put them in the infographic below. Enjoy!
If you’re interested in trying out SnackNation’s healthy snack delivery service for your office, get a free sample box here (the snacks are free, just cover $9.95 S&H).
- HC Online – http://bit.ly/1JRUA1v
- Core Performance – http://bit.ly/1SllBi4
- Wellsource – http://bit.ly/1NP30aX
- Healthcare Trends Institute – http://bit.ly/1OruhO4
- AICR – http://bit.ly/1OXSVq6
- Forbes – http://onforb.es/1ltwf4J