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SnackNation OfficeTeam Building

How to Create an Effective Team Building Questionnaire in 2025 (with Examples)

By February 24, 2023 December 7th, 2023

Questionnaire on Team BuildingWhen it comes to team building, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Icebreaker questions aren’t going to cut it either. The best way to ensure that your team building event is a success is to create a questionnaire on team building and by asking the right questions to your employees beforehand. This will help you tailor the event to the specific needs and interests of your team.

Pro-Tip from The Assist: The team-building activity that shatters communication barriers: Learning new languages together.

Treat your staff to group language classes. Target the most-spoken languages (other than English) at your company and encourage everyone to continue practicing together after the lesson. People who speak other languages will feel more welcomed, and everyone will enjoy expanding their communication capabilities.


Tips on Creating an Effective Questionnaire on Team Building:

1. Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to spend hours filling out a questionnaire. Stick to the basics and ask only what you need to know.

2. Be clear and concise in your survey questions. Avoid ambiguity by being as specific as possible.

3. Make sure your questions are relevant to the event.

4. Give employees the option to skip questions they don’t want to answer. Some respondents may not be comfortable sharing certain information, so it’s important to give them the option to opt out.

5. Offer incentives for completing the questionnaire. You’d be surprised how much this motivates employees to complete it.


How to Send Out a Questionnaire on Team Building

1. Decide what format you want to use for your questionnaire. An online survey is often the most accessible and most convenient option to evaluate team dynamics and remote teams.

2. Draft your questions and send them to a few employees to get feedback. This will help you fine-tune your questionnaire before sending it out to the entire team.

3. Send out the questionnaire a few weeks before the team building event. This will give you enough time to collect and analyze the data.

4. Follow up with employees who haven’t completed their survey responses. You may need to offer a reminder or incentive to get them to complete it.

5. Analyze the survey data/survey results, and use them to plan your team building event. Be sure to consider your team’s specific needs and interests.


Examples of Effective Team Building Questionnaires:

1. What are your thoughts on team building?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: It helps gauge employees’ overall opinion on team building and whether or not they think it’s valuable.

Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I think it’s a waste of time.
  • I’m not sure, I’ve never done it before.
  • It’s ok, but I’d rather be doing something else.
  • I like it.
  • I love team building!


2. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our team building activities?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows employees to provide input on making the team building activities more enjoyable and productive.

Sample answer choice to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


3. What are your thoughts on working in a team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: It helps gauge employees’ overall opinion on teamwork and whether or not they think it’s valuable.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I hate it
  • If I have to I will
  • It’s okay
  • I like it when I’m in the mood
  • It’s great!


4. What did you think of the last team building activity we did?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows employees to provide feedback on the last team building activity, which can be used to improve future events.

Sample answer choice to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


5. Would you be interested in attending a team building event? If so, what type of event would you like to see?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows employees to express their interest in attending a team building event and gives you an idea of what type of event they would be interested in.

Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • Offer a space for your employees to give suggestions for team building events.


6. Would you prefer to do team building activities on the clock or during non-work hours?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question helps you gauge employees’ schedules and preferences when it comes to team building activities.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • On the clock; during the workday
  • At lunch
  • After work
  • On weekends
  • Not at all


7. Are there any team building activities you participated in with another group that you feel your coworkers would benefit from or enjoy?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows employees to suggest team building activities that they think would be beneficial or enjoyable for the team.

Sample answer choice to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


8. How well do you work with others in a team setting?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to gauge employees’ opinions on teamwork and how well they work with others.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I only work independently
  • I work best when I collaborate with my teammates
  • I can do both
  • I always am the team leader
  • I am usually quiet but I enjoy problem-solving with my team


9. What, in your opinion, is the biggest barrier to effective teamwork within your current group?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows employees to share any recent barriers to teamwork that can be addressed during team building activities.

Sample answer choice to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


10. Is there any other way we can improve teamwork within the company?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question promotes open communication with your employees and gives you an opportunity to make important company culture changes.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


11. What are your thoughts on collaboration?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question can help you identify work environment preferences to foster more collaboration and team effectiveness among your employees.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I don’t like to collaborate
  • I will collaborate if necessary for the task at hand
  • It’s okay to do it sometimes
  • When I’m in the mood
  • I love to collaborate!


12. How well do you handle conflict within a team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to identify potential areas of conflict within your team along with ideas on how to resolve them.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I don’t handle conflict well
  • I’d rather not address it
  • I am somewhere in between
  • It’s all chill with me
  • Yes, I love working out issues to make us better!


13. What is your preferred method of communication within a team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question will give you a better understanding of how to send out your questionnaire and have employees complete them.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • In-person
  • Over the phone
  • On Slack
  • Through text
  • A note


14. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve communication within our team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows for open-ended suggestions on how to improve communication among employees.

Sample answer choice to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


15. Do you feel as if you can go to any member of your team for help?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to gauge how approachable team members are and if they feel comfortable asking for help.

4 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes, always
  • Never
  • Sometimes
  • Depends on who


16. Do you feel that your supervisor is fair, supportive, and invested in your growth?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to identify any potential issues with team members’ supervisors and how that might be impacting the team’s morale.

Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • There are things they could work on
  • If so, what? (Offer a space for team members to give suggestions)
  • No


17. Do you feel as if you have a voice in the company?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to identify how much employees feel like they are a part of the company and if they have a say in decision-making.

3 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes


18. Do you enjoy working here?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to get a general idea of job satisfaction, along with what’s strengthening company culture and what can be improved upon for higher retention.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • I love it!
  • I like it
  • Depends on the day
  • I think we need to work on my happiness
  • It’s not me, it’s you


19. Do you enjoy working with your current team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to identify how much employees enjoy working with their current team and if they would prefer to be on a different team.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • We could use more team bonding
  • With some members of my team, yes
  • Never


20. Do you feel like you are a valued member of your team?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows you to identify how employees feel about their importance within the team and if they feel like their skills are being utilized to make a strong team.

Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
  • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


21. Is there any other way we can make the workplace a more enjoyable environment?

Why you should ask this in your team building questionnaire: This question allows for open-ended suggestions on what steps you can take to create an environment that improves employee engagement and overall employee experience.

5 Sample answer choices to put on your team building questionnaire:

  • More team building exercises
  • More PTO
  • Better benefits
  • More collaborative workplace
  • More positive energy
    • Offer a space for your team members to give suggestions.


People Also Ask These Questions About Employee Questionnaires

Q: How do I create a questionnaire for my team?

  • A: There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a questionnaire for your team. First, you’ll want to make sure that the questions are relevant to your team’s goals and objectives. Second, you’ll want to ensure that the questions are clear and concise. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that the questionnaire is easy for employees to complete.


Q: What type of questions should I ask in a work questionnaire?

  • A: There are a variety of questions that you can ask in a work questionnaire. However, some examples include asking about employees’ satisfaction with their job, their team, and the company as a whole. You can also ask about how employees feel they can contribute to the team and if they have any suggestions on how to improve teamwork within the company.


Q: Why should I survey my employees?

  • A: Surveying your employees is a great way to collect feedback on a variety of topics, including team morale, job satisfaction, and communication. Additionally, surveys can help you identify potential areas of improvement within your company. Consider creating a survey template so you can reuse it for future instances.


Q: What are the benefits of sending out employee engagement surveys at work?

  • A: Employee engagement surveys can benefit both employers and employees. For employers, surveys can provide valuable insights into employee morale and job satisfaction. Additionally, surveys can help identify areas of improvement within the workplace. For employees, surveys provide a chance to share their opinions and feedback on a variety of topics.

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