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Brand Builder

154 | How Cloud Water Creates Premium Customer Experiences, with Cloud Water Brands CEO Marc Siden

By January 11th, 2021

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Beverage has been described as a “brand forward” category. 

This is especially true in the premium beverage space. Consumers align themselves with particular beverage brands to make a statement about who they are. A drink in hand becomes like a fashion accessory – an expression of values and identity – and it’s not uncommon for premium beverage companies to think of themselves more like lifestyle brands than CPGs.

But sometimes the brand – or the can – hides a lackluster product. 

Fortunately, that’s never going to be the case for Cloud Water. 

Cloud Water is an all-natural sparkling beverage made with premium botanicals. Their two principle product lines are their original hemp-infused CBD sparkling waters and their new Immunity line, designed to boost your body’s ability to fight infection. 

Cloud Water is a functional product that supports physical and mental wellness. But the real star of the show are their totally unique flavor profiles, like blood orange & coconut or Aztec chocolate and strawberry. 

Now that’s not to say that Cloud Water doesn’t focus on its brand aesthetic – quite the opposite. The real genius of Cloud Water is that instead of thinking about brand and product separately, they focus on creating a holistic premium experience, marrying taste, function, and aesthetic.

We spoke to Cloud Water Brands co-founder and CEO Marc Siden about what it takes to create a holistic experience like this and the many ways this approach has paid dividends. 

Marc also opens up about his entrepreneurial journey, his leadership style, and how the constraints of the pandemic inspired their latest innovations.


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