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🤑 How to Ask For a Raise via Email with Tips and Templates [2024]

By January 22nd, 2024

Are you thinking of asking for that well-deserved raise electronically?

Before you hit the “send” button, let’s go over the do’s and don’ts of how to ask for a raise via email and ensure you time it just right.

The Assist

Ready to elevate your earning game? Let’s dive in!


How to Ask For a Raise Via Email 

How to ask for a raise via email

Have you ever stared at your screen, wondering how to fire off that email asking for a salary raise without also hitting the awkward button? We’ve got your back!

We’ll unravel the art of crafting the perfect “pay me more” e-message, making the raise conversation as smooth as your morning coffee, and turning those work wins into some well-deserved cha-ching!

1. Keep it short and sweet 🍬

When it comes to how to ask for a raise via email, less is often more. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Your boss doesn’t need a novel; they need a bottom-line rundown of your achievements, the value you’ve added to the organization, and maybe the dollar figure you have in mind. Remember, brevity is often best.

Imagine your email is an elevator pitch for your career wins. Hit them with the highlights—the projects you’ve aced, the goals you’ve smashed, and the undeniable impact you’ve had on the team over the last year. Avoid the temptation to list every little detail and instead focus on the big golden nuggets that scream, “I deserve more!” A short and impactful email respects your boss’s time and makes it easier for them to see why a raise is a no-brainer. Keep it sweet, keep it snappy, and watch that salary soar!

🔥 Pro-Tip from The Assist: These conversations can be taxing—we get it! The Wellness Wednesday Newsletter offers a ton of ways to keep your moods, your stress level, and your overall vibe in balance while navigating your professional journey.


2. List your accomplishments and contributions 🏅

Time to flaunt your work wins and make that raise-worthy case! When drafting an email asking for a bump in your paycheck, don’t stop showcasing your recent accomplishments and valuable contributions from this past year. It’s your moment to shine, so toss in those achievements like confetti at a parade.

Start by outlining the projects where you’ve left your mark—the ones that made a real difference. Numbers speak volumes, so if you increased sales, streamlined processes, or played a pivotal role in a successful campaign, this is the time to talk yourself up. Paint your boss a clear picture of why you’re an invaluable asset. Remember, it’s not bragging; you’re merely highlighting the value you bring by pointing out your achievements. Spotlight your impact and turn those hard-earned accomplishments into dollar signs!


3. Do your market research 💻

Before hitting send on that raise request email, you need to know the stakes, and doing your market research is the ace up your sleeve. Stroll through your industry’s salary landscape, considering factors like experience level, geographic location, and specialized skill sets. With this knowledge, you’ll be wheeling and dealing from a position of strength and insight when you start the salary negotiations.

Exploring industry averages, job postings, industry reports, and average salary ranges can help you understand what professionals in your role are earning vs. your current salary. This intel guides you towards a reasonable number for your pay increase and makes it clear that you know your worth. When you confidently present your findings in that email, you’re not just asking for more money; you’re backing it up with the cold, hard facts, making it a tough request to refuse.


4. Be polite and positive 😊

When asking for a pay raise via email, sprinkling some manners and positivity into your message is like adding a spoonful of sugar to help the salary talk go down. Start your email by expressing gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had and your appreciation for the company. Share your enthusiasm for your role and the impactful projects you’ve participated in, creating a positive tone from the get-go.

Infuse your email with optimism and confidence instead of focusing solely on what you want. Highlight how your salary increase request aligns with your commitment to contributing even more to the team’s and the company’s success. Use phrases that convey collaboration and teamwork, emphasizing that this is a win-win scenario.

Closing your email with a friendly call-to-action, such as suggesting a meeting to discuss the details, adds an extra touch of courtesy. Being polite and positive makes your salary adjustment more palatable and reflects well on your professionalism and attitude. Ready to spread some positivity and secure that well-earned raise? Let’s craft an email that leaves everyone smiling!

🔥 Pro-Tip from The Assist: Check out the awesome newsletters from The Assist to help you level up your organizational skills and performance, ensuring that you’re more than ready when your “Hey Boss, let’s talk” opportunity arises.


5. Suggest a meeting 🗓️

When it’s time to pop the “raise” question via email, consider suggesting a meeting and rolling your digital message into a face-to-face chat over coffee. Throw in a casual line like, “I’d love to discuss this further and get your insights,” or “Could we schedule a brief meeting to explore this opportunity?” This adds a personal touch to your request and provides a platform for a more in-depth conversation.

Scheduling a meeting creates an opportunity for a real-time exchange of thoughts and ensures your request isn’t lost in the email black hole. It’s a chance to elaborate on your achievements, address concerns, and build a strong case for that well-deserved salary increase. Why settle for the limitations of an email thread when you can turn it into a productive dialogue? Proposing a meeting is your ticket to making your case more compelling and, who knows, possibly sealing the deal with a handshake or a virtual high-five!


6. Thank them for their consideration 🤝

As you sign off on that email asking for a raise, don’t forget to add a dash of gratitude at the end, like plopping a polite little cherry on top. Wrap up your message with a genuine “thank you” for taking the time to consider your request. A simple “I appreciate your time and consideration on this matter” goes a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Expressing gratitude shows professionalism and may determine the effort your boss puts into your salary review. Regardless of the outcome, it sets a collaborative tone and leaves the door open for future discussions. Remember, politeness and appreciation can turn a straightforward request into a positive interaction. So, sign off with a smile and a thank you, turning your email into a gracious request that stands out in the inbox.


Asking For a Raise Via Email Template 

The Assist

Ready to transform your salary game? Crafting the perfect request just got much easier – let’s turn those digital messages into a salary negotiation win!

⭐ The Accomplishment Showcase

Subject line: Discussing Compensation in Line with Achievements

Hey [Manager’s Name],

I hope this finds you well! As I reflect on our recent projects, I’m so excited about our impact, especially [list specific achievements/projects]. I feel that my contributions align with the team’s growth, and based on my performance and achievements, I’d love to discuss whether my compensation truly reflects my value.

Could we schedule a time to meet and dig a little deeper into this?


[Your Name]


⭐ The Market Value Maestro

Subject line: Exploring Compensation in [Industry/Role]

Hello [Manager’s Name],

I hope your day is going well! I’ve been doing some market research on the payscale in our industry and, based on the national average for [insert job title] at similar-sized companies in [geographic region], I was hoping to discuss how my current role aligns with those findings.

Would it be possible to schedule a brief meeting to review my insights and explore a potential salary adjustment?

I appreciate your time and consideration,

[Your Name]


⭐ The Future-Focused Proposition

Subject line: Discussing the Path Forward

Hello [Manager’s Name],

I’m thrilled about our progress on [specify recent achievements] and can’t wait to see what’s next. I want to discuss how we can align my compensation with your expectations and the exciting projects on the horizon. Could we schedule a meeting to discuss this and other aspects of my future here at [insert company name]?

I can’t wait to hear back from you.


[Your Name]


What To Do if Your Raise Request is Denied

the assist become a better professional

Plot twist! The answer wasn’t the enthusiastic “Yes!” you hoped for. Don’t hit the panic button and run to LinkedIn just yet! There’s an art to gracefully navigating the raise-rejection territory so you can turn setbacks into strategic moves for future success.

1. Stay professional

When you find yourself in the denial zone, don’t get emotional or take it personally. The key is to remain calm, cool, and professional. Take a moment to thank the person who considered your request – a simple “Thanks for taking the time to review” can go a long way. It’s normal to feel a pang of disappointment, but remember, this is not the time for defeat.

Burning bridges with human resources or your Leadership team is a non-option. Getting all hot-headed will never make things easier for you in the long run and could have you looking for a new job whether you want to or not. Instead, take a deep breath, appreciate the consideration, and gear yourself up for the next move. It’s just one ‘no’ in the grand scheme of your career story!

P.S. There will be more. And you will be fine.


2. Ask for feedback

How can you turn that “no” into an opportunity for growth? Politely ask the higher-ups for feedback on their decision – like seeking advice from the coach after a game to up your skills for the next match-up. Inquire about the factors that influenced their decision and if there are specific areas where you could level up. Treat it as positive feedback. By turning this setback into a learning moment, you showcase your commitment to improvement and set the stage for a more informed and successful future request. It’s like being handed a blueprint for refining your advancement strategy. After all, every ‘no’ is closer to that eventual ‘yes.’


3. Discuss next steps 

First off, stay cool – your next move is crucial. Let’s navigate the road ahead by engaging in a strategic and forward-focused conversation with your manager about the next steps. Discuss your career plans and additional responsibilities you’re interested in taking on for more experience, and get some clarity on how they view your growth trajectory toward your goals. By turning a setback into a roadmap for improvement, you can set some actionable goals together and focus on the long game.


People Also Ask These Questions About How To Ask For A Raise Via Email

Q: What key points should be included in the email to justify a raise?

  • A: Start with a friendly intro, then dive (shallowly) into the specifics. Highlight your recent achievements, drop some impressive stats or project wins, sprinkle in a bit of market research regarding the average pay for your role, and cap it off with a confident ask. Think of it as a persuasive pitch – you’re not just asking for more money; you’re showing why you’re worth every penny.

Q: How do I determine the right timing to ask for a raise via email?

  • A: No doubt, timing is crucial when asking for a raise. Aim for a positive moment, maybe after successful project completion or during a favorable performance evaluation. Also, capitalize on economic circumstances, particularly during growth or positive changes. Just maybe steer clear of Mondays – everyone already has enough going on.

Q: Should I mention specific accomplishments or projects in the email?

  • A: Absolutely! Your email is a highlight reel, so toss in those specific accomplishments and project wins. You’re not bragging – you’re clarifying the value you bring. Numbers and impactful moments are your best friends here; the more specific, the better!

Q: Should I include a specific salary figure or range in the email?

  • A: While you don’t have to drop a specific number, offering a range or ballpark can be a smooth move. It shows you’ve done your homework on the market rates and sets the stage for a constructive conversation. Leave room for negotiation, but it’s okay to let them know the salary range you’re interested in discussing. Still, always be prepared for the counteroffer.

Q: How often is it appropriate to request a raise, and when is the right time for a follow-up?

  • A: The general answer is not too often, but just often enough for growth. It’s reasonable to bring it up during performance reviews, but if you’ve leveled up your game or tackled a major project recently, that’s a great cue to drop a well-timed pitch.

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